The care provided is limited to First Aid. Parents will be notified if students need to be collected from school for further care or follow-up. Medications for Asthma, Allergy, Hayfever and Anaphylaxis are to be supplied at the start of each school year or term with supporting paperwork.
Administration of Medication
Medications will only be administered when written on Medication Authority Form. Phone permission can be obtained, from the parent, for a one-off order. With the exception of asthma relievers, all medication should be stored in the medical centre. Students should not keep medication on themselves.
Health Management Plans
All plans ie, Anaphylaxis, Allergy, Asthma, Epilepsy and Diabetic must be reviewed and updated annually by your Doctor. You can download the forms via the attachments below, or you can obtain one from the school office.
Vaccination Information
Please note that all cards need to be returned even if you opt out. As of 2019, Year 7 students will receive one HVP dose and Boostrix. Year 10 will receive Meningococcal W.
The 2025 Vaccination dates are as follows:
Year 7
6 March 2025 - ( HPV x 1 dose and Boostrix)
Year 10
6 March 2025 - (Meningococcal ACWY )
Consent for vaccinations has moved to an online portal via Casey Council. Parents/Guardians will receive a link, from the school, in February 2024. All vaccinations will still be given at the school as per usual.
Parents and guardians are not required to attend with their children on immunisation day. If you have any questions or concerns, you should ring the school nurse at Ph. 5911 0850 or your immunisation provider at Ph 97055515.