Once again, Casey Grammar School students celebrate some of the best VCE results in the school’s history, with 17% of students attaining an ATAR of 90 and above. This places them in the top 10% of students in the state and is more than double the number of students who achieved a 90+ ATAR in 2022.
Building on this success, 36% of Casey Grammar School students scored an ATAR of 80 or above.
Over half of Year 12 students (58%) placed in the top 30% of students in Victoria and were awarded an ATAR of 70 or above. This is an increase of 6% on last year and 16% on 2022.
The Dux of Casey Grammar School, Hannah Malinowski, achieved an outstanding ATAR of 98.10 while Proxime Accessit, Nicholas Riet, received an ATAR of 97.60.
“I had a premonition about being Dux – but I brushed it off as wishful thinking!” says Hannah.
“I tend to be quite hard on myself, so I wasn’t expecting to do very well at all – this was not what I was expecting. I couldn’t relax the day before the VCE results were released, so I spent some time with my Dad working on his veggie patch. On the morning that the results were released, I woke way too early and walked my dog to ease my nerves. When I saw my result, I screamed, and my Mum cried. Then we went out for a celebratory breakfast.”
Hannah hopes to begin a double degree in Psychology and Science at Monash University next year.
Proxime Accessit, Nicholas, has been at Casey Grammar for his entire school life and sees the school as his ‘second home’. He also woke early to find out his results.
“I was keen to log on to get my results but realised I’d forgotten my password and had to go through the frustrating process of resetting it. Mum was with me when I logged on, but my Dad and brother are currently in Japan so we then called them with the news,” says Nicholas.
“I think my success was due to the support of my teachers and family, and I also used Year 11 to learn what worked for me in terms of studying.”
He is planning to study a double degree in Engineering and Commerce at Monash University.
Casey Grammar School Principal Fiona Williams says the 2024 VCE results reflect the school’s increasingly strong academic performance. She says the latest round of VCE success is something for the hard-working students, their families and the whole school community to celebrate.
“Everyone at Casey Grammar School is immensely proud of these Year 12 students and their latest VCE results. They really are a cause for celebrations and congratulations,” says Ms Williams.
“The VCE years are challenging. They demand hard work, resilience, determination and a willingness to grab every opportunity to learn and be curious. Our Class of 2024 have supported each other through their senior years of school, and together, they have completed their journey at Casey Grammar with great success.
“Today’s VCE results are also a testament to the dedicated teachers at our school who are also a vital part of every student’s VCE journey. We are very fortunate to have a team of teachers who arrive at school every day with the goal of inspiring and encouraging every young person in their classroom. Their enthusiasm, passion for their subjects and their belief in their students never wavers and it helps deliver the kind of VCE results our school community is celebrating today.
“The school looks forward to watching the Class of 2024 make their way in the world. We know they are going to make an impact, and we can’t wait to see what the future holds for each of them.”