Casey Challenge is a flagship program and a highlight of secondary schooling for our Year 9 students.
Building skills around the 4 C’s of collaboration, communication, creativity and critical thinking, the students are challenged to think differently, consider other perspectives, and ultimately become improved versions of themselves.
Structured as weekly classes matched into epic termly adventures. Casey Challenge includes a design thinking immersion at Casey Tech – critical thinking solving tomorrow’s problems today and a week of ‘The City Experience’ where students are encouraged to see their city and wonder about the lives of others and personal Passion Projects based on student choice presented in a Student Expo. All this wrapped inside the opportunity to pursue the Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award, with one component, the Adventurous Journey, a 4-day hiking experience across the Mornington Peninsula, experienced together, generating life-long memories, friendships and learnings.
The reward is found in rising to the challenge. Casey Challenge.
Visit the Duke of Edinburgh Website
Core Subjects
- English
- Religious Education
- Science
- Humanities (History & Geography)
- Mathematics
- Health & Physical Education
- Respectful Relationships
- Casey Challenge
- Art
- Forensic Science
- Digital Photography
- Digital Technologies
- Drama
- French (full year)
- Money, Markets and Justice
- Music (full year or semester based)
- Product Design and Technology
- Sports Coaching
- Visual Communication Design